Target-Pathogen database is a bioinformatic approach to prioritize drug targets in pathogens. Available genomic
data for pathogens has created new opportunities for drug discovery and development, including new species,
resistant and multiresistant ones. However, this data must be cohesively integrated to be fully exploited and be
easy to interrogate. Target-Pathogen has been designed and developed as an online resource to allow genome wide
based data consolidation from diverse sources focusing on structural druggability, essentiality and metabolic
role of proteins. By allowing the integration and weighting of this information, this bioinformatic tool aims to
facilitate the identification and prioritization of candidate drug targets for pathogens. With the structurome
and drugome information Target-Pathogen is a unique resource to analyze whole genomes of relevants pathogens.
Target-Pathogen: a structural bioinformatic approach to prioritize drug targets in pathogens
: Ezequiel J. Sosa, Germán Burguener, Esteban Lanzarotti, Lucas Defelipe, Leandro Radusky, Agustín
M. Pardo, Marcelo Marti, Adrián G. Turjanski, Darío Fernández Do Porto
TP collaborates with the following institutions: